Each year, the Right Care Initiative Awards are given to leaders and innovators among the health field and to California health plans and medical groups who meet clinical performance standards for controlling blood pressure, blood sugar, and/or cholesterol.
Starting in 2011, the Right Care Initiative launched new categories of award levels based on health plan and medical group performance. The awards established platinum, gold, silver, and bronze levels of performance. The awards reflect the importance of reaching control measure benchmarks in critical areas of care management, acknowledging excellent performance in preventing heart attacks, strokes, and diabetic complications. As of 2016, the award categories are:
- Platinum level of performance= National 90th percentile of HEDIS performance across all Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease measures (or all equivalent IHA P4P cardiovascular disease and diabetes measures).
- Gold level of performance= National 90th percentile of performance across all of the CONTROL measures: blood pressure, lipids and blood sugar.
- Silver level of performance= National 90th percentile of performance for the control of Blood Pressure and Cholesterol for cardiovascular, hypertensive and diabetic patients.
- Bronze level of performance= National 90th percentile of performance in any one of the Right Care Initiative designated control measures: Blood Pressure, Cholesterol, or Blood Sugar.
Note: For control of lipids, statin therapy is the current proxy measure.
2020 Rising Star Award
- Bryan Vuong, BA, UC Berkeley Right Care Research Assistant Alumnus (2016-2020); Incoming UCLA PRIME-LA Student
11th Annual Leadership Summit: Changing the Trajectory of Heart Attack, Stroke, and Diabetes Deaths and Disabilities by Innovating Prevention and Management: A Working Meeting (November 18, 2019) (Video)
- Multi-community Innovative Leadership Award For Getting Toward Zero deaths and disabilities from Diabetes, Heart Attacks & Strokes
Parag Agnihotri, MD, Co-Founder, Right Care Capitol Region University of Best Practices & San Diego UBP Innovation Advisor - Community Leadership Award for Leaning Forward with Implementation Action to Prevent Heart Attacks and Strokes
William J. Bommer, MD, Chairman, Right Care Capitol Region University of Best Practices; UC Davis Cardiology & American College of Cardiology - Lifetime Achievement Award for Leadership of the CARDIA Study Illuminating Importance of Coronary Artery Calcium Plaque in the Young for Triage
Stephen Sidney, MD, MPH, Director of Research Clinics & Sr. Research Scientist Kaiser Permanente N. California Div. of Research - Public Service Leadership Award for Precision Heart Attack & Stroke Prevention Deploying Advanced Computing, Ancient Wisdom & Holistic Shared Decision Making
Joseph Sky, MD, FACP, FACC, Chief of Cardiology Travis Air force Base - Young Leadership Award for Innovations to Slash Stroke Disability and Death
Nirali Vora, MD, Chairwoman, Right Care Initiative, Bay Area Silicon Valley University of Best Practices Assoc. Professor, Stanford University Stroke Center & Neurology
-2019 Health Plan and Medical Group Awardees can be found by clicking here.–
2019 Diabetes Care Excellence Leadership Award
- Greater Newport Physicians Independent Practice Association, MemorialCare Medical Group
2019 Visionary Leadership Award for Precision Prevention of Heart Attacks and Strokes
- Matthew Budoff, MD, FACC, Prof. of Medicine, Endowed Chair of Preventive Cardiology, School of Medicine, UCLA; Program Director, Division of Cardiology Los Angeles Biomedical Research Institute; Steering Committee Member, Director CT Reading Center, Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA) Trial
2018 Lifetime Achievement Award
- Allen Fremont, MD, PhD, Physician Policy Researcher; Director, RAND Q-DART Project, RAND Corporation
10th Annual Leadership Summit: Leaders & Innovators (April 5, 2018) (Video)
- Warren Barnes, JD, M.Div., Chief Lawyer, State of California Department of Managed Health Care, retired; Pastor, Grace Presbyterian Church- Right Care Lifetime Achievement Award
- Jose Alberto Arevalo, MD, Co-founder Capital Region University of Best Practices & Chief Medical Officer, Sutter Independent Practice Association; Community Leadership Award
- LaVonna Blair Lewis, PhD, MPH – Cardiovascular Public Policy Champion
- Jim Dudl, MD, High Impact Care Innovation Award – ALL Medication Bundle
- Elizabeth Helms, Patient Care Activist
- Jeff Klingman, MD, Innovation Award- Stroke Care Redesign
- Arnold Milstein, MD, Visionary Award- Stroke 20 Minute Door to Needle Time
- Chuck Toeniskoetter, MBA, Leadership Award Stroke Care Improvement
-2018 Health Plan and Medical Group Awardees can be found by clicking here.–
9th Annual Leadership Summit (November 14, 2016)
-2016 Health Plan and Medical Group Awardees can be found by clicking here.–
8th Annual Leadership Summit (November 5, 2015)
- Lifetime Leadership Award For Leading the University of Best Practices Toward A Heart Attack and Stroke Free Zone: Anthony DeMaria, MD
- Leadership Award For Improving Women’s Cardiovascular Outcomes & Reducing Gender Disparities: Chloe Bird, PhD
-2015 Health Plan and Medical Group Awardees can be found by clicking here.–
7th Annual Leadership Summit (October 23, 2014)
- Leadership Award: Anthony DeMaria, MD, Chairman University of Best Practices San Diego
-2014 Health Plan and Medical Group Awardees can be found by clicking here.–
6th Annual Leadership Summit (October 28, 2013)
-2013 Health Plan and Medical Group Awardees can be found by clicking here.–
4th Annual Leadership Summit (October 3, 2011)
-2011 Health Plan and Medical Group Awardees can be found by clicking here.–
2010 Most Inspirational Award
- Allen Fremont, MD, PhD, Physician Policy Researcher; Director, RAND Q-DART Project, RAND Corporation
“Right Care dovetails precisely with our health care initiatives working to better coordinate health care while achieving good outcomes” -California Health and Human Services Secretary, Diana Dooley
“Better managing chronic conditions brings great benefit to us all through reduced health care costs, healthier communities, and better quality of life. Today’s award winners exemplify how health plans and medical groups can make meaningful strides toward improving the health of out state” -Director of the Department of Managed Healthcare, Shelley Rouillard